Virtual Borders Arizona by Mr. Toll & Gabija Grusaite - The First Ever Virtual Reality Sculpture Experience - Northern Territory - Greenpoint, Brooklyn July 16, 2015 19:28 2 Comments

Once down here in the Arizonian desert one witnesses a vast desolate landscape completely ignorant of human effort to tame it. Virtual Borders attempts to raise a dialogue about the control of the borders and the free flow of people, ideas and art.
Paradoxically the New World was built as a ‘melting pot of cultures’.
By creating art and placing it in ‘the middle of nowhere’ landscape Virtual Borders seeks to redefine the idea of space and the sense of belonging. Desert is no joke – heat, dehydration, snakes, border patrols – there are people who risk everything to cross the frontier, and maybe one day balance will shift and people will be moving in the opposite direction.
With a help of technology, Virtual Borders transports the spectator to the open-air gallery down in the frontier and hopefully gets one to reflect on the temporary nature of the world that we human create against the power of nature to start a conversation about power, immigration, control, the real meaning of human rights and the beauty that stems from cross-cultural collaboration."

The practical applications for the technology is endless (it was originally developed as a tool for the real estate industry). As an avid art collector myself I could see myself previewing a gallery show in London on my VR goggles and swiping my credit card on the side to buy a piece of art!
I highly recommend you check out the next show!
Virtual Borders@Northern Territory Rooftop
took place on 14th of July, Tuesday
7PM – doors open to public
8PM – Artist talk
12 Franklin st. Greenpoint Brooklyn
Don't forget to sign up for the Cluster Wall newsletter to get exclusive buying priority for all our releases.________________________________________
Author: Matthew A. Eller
PHILIP SHERROD NA on January 22, 2016 00:26
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Terry Smith on July 17, 2015 17:56
Hello Jamie,
I have watched your posts over time as you were creating this, amazing effort, WELL DONE!
I am looking forward to visiting the Northern Territory on my next visit to your state.
Hope to see you there.